Goatstone Web Development

contact: goatstone@gmail.com

Goatstone, Web Development

Goatstone is, Jose Collas. Here you will find a collection of some of my work. I have been primarily using the technologies: TypeScript, CSS, and HTML to create interactive websites. I specialize in the use of D3.js and Scaled Vector Graphics to create effective data visualizations. My most recent project is a Non-fungible token creator, that is currently in test mode at https://aaarto.art




Aaarto is an online drawing program that enables the minting of the artwork as a Non-fungible token, an NFT. The drawing application aspect of Aaarto enables the creation of art by the adding of circles and squares of various sizes and colors onto a canvas area. At any point in the creation of the art, the user can create an NFT of the art.

2DPhysics Data

2DPhysics Data is an exploration of visualizing data with a 2D physics layout. The data displayed is 100 of the Heaviest Meteorites from NASA's Open Data Portal.


View GIBS 


View GIBS is a tool for viewing satellite images provided by NASA's Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) system.

GIBS : https://nasa-gibs.github.io/gibs-api-docs